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How Reflexology Can Help with Fertility Issues?

How Reflexology Can Help with Fertility Issues?

If you are considering starting a family, but fertility issues are holding you back, you can forget about the thought of putting harsh prescription chemicals into your body and opt for a more natural holistic way. Many Holistic Therapies Mayo clinics offer a reflexology programme which can help.

Reflexology helps couples achieve an ideal emotional and physical state to improve fertility. Regular reflexology sessions reduce stress levels and induce relaxation, which make it easier for women to conceive. Stress also affect fertility on men, because it triggers the production of glucocorticoids and other steroid hormones, which suppress testosterone level and sperm production.

With That in Mind, We are Going to Take a Look at Some of the Ways Reflexology Can Help With Your Fertility Issues:

Restore Performance Of Reproductive Organs- reflexology can help balance the production of hormones to ensure optimum performance of your reproductive organs. After a series of reflexology treatments, women often have more regular periods. Holistic Treatment Ireland reflexologists focus on certain reproductive points on the sole of the feet and through experience, it has been found that reflexology sessions are best performed a week prior to ovulation.

Rebalanced Physical Condition- when treating couples with fertility issues, reflexologists also focus on points that correspond to other internal organs. A balanced physical condition creates a proper situation for conception. As an example, digestive and blood circulation systems have direct impact on the fertility.

Alleviate Stress- reflexology brings total relaxation. After a 30-minute reflexology session, couples will begin to feel completely at ease. Massage is a great way to achieve relaxation, but reflexology is an entirely different thing. The impacts of reflexology are multi-dimensional and they can last longer.

Remove Toxins- toxins accumulate in our body as by-products of our internal metabolism process. Unhealthy food, tobacco, medication, and air pollution are other common sources of toxins. An excessive presence of toxins can affect both male and female reproduction system, making it harder for women to conceive properly.

No Side Effects- because it’s a non-invasive and non-oral treatment, reflexology doesn’t cause any side effects. Couples will only get benefits from reflexology, without any unfavourable impacts that could affect their other organs. Patients can get regular reflexology sessions without any concern about their physical health.

Work With Other Treatments- reflexology won’t interfere with other treatments prescribed to improve fertility. Couples often focus on nutritional enhancements or take supplements to improve their fertility. A combination of nutrition intake and reflexology is effective to enhance reproductive organs. It is also advisable to use guided meditations, visualisations, and positive affirmations to improve your mental condition.

Contact Joanna Moran Wellness

To learn more about reflexology for fertility, contact Joanna Moran Wellness and book your specialty energy treatment today.

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